This is the PDF eBook version for Therapeutic Use of Medicinal Plants and their Extracts Volume 2 Phytochemistry and Bioactive Compounds By A.N.M. Alamgir
Table of Contents
I. Introduction.- II. Plant constituents, metabolic pathways, chemistry and their application of plant constituents; bioactive compounds.- III. Chemistry drug principles derived from animal, marine organisms, microorganisms synthesized drugs or laboratory sources and minerals.- IV. Vitamins, food additives, enzymes, anaesthetic aids and cosmetics.- V. Poisons, hallucinogens, teratogens, allergens and pesticides; biogenous and xenobiotic drugs and their metabolism.- VI. Biotechnology and herbal way of disease management.- VII. Molecular pharmacognosy – a new borderline discipline between molecular biology and pharmacognosy.- VIII. Methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of plant constituents. Bibliography.- Index