This is the PDF eBook version for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring And Toxicology By Liquid Chromatography by Steven H.Y. Wong, Steven H. Wong, Wong H. Wong
Table of Contents
This important, new reference provides the first , up-to-date, and comprehensive treatmentof the various liquid chromatography (LC) instrumentation for Therapeutic DrugMonitoring (TDM) and toxicology drug assays and reviews the clinical pharmacologyof major classes of drugs and their LC analyses.Written by authoritative contributors who bring many years of personal laboratory/clinical experience to the book, this interdisciplinary work : presents the principlesof TDM, sampling techniques, and various instrumentation topics, including computerinterfacing, mass spectrometry, fluorescence , electrochemical detection, and bloodcollection devices . .. examines six primary classes of drugs, complete with recommendedLC procedures and emphasizing recently introduced drugs and their LC analyses. .. and documents medicolegal guidelines and laboratory management considerations,providing a contemporary assessment of today’s laboratory needs.The only practical, current guide available on the subject, Therapeutic Drug Monitoringand Toxicology by Li([uid Chromatography belongs in the personal libraries of clinicaland analytical chemists and biochemists, clinical pharmacologists, clinical toxicologists,clinical pathologists, immunologists, liquid chromatographers, mass spectroscopists, laboratorydirectors, laboratory instrument manufacturers , and medical technologists. Thebook is also vital supplementary reading for advanced undergraduate and graduate-levelclinical chemistry, toxicology, clinical pathology, and liquid chromatography course.