This is the PDF eBook version for The Comprehensive Sourcebook of Bacterial Protein Toxins 4th Edition by Joseph E. Alouf, Daniel Ladant, Michel R. Popoff
Table of Contents
Section I: Basic Genomic and Physiological Aspects of Bacterial Protein Toxins 1. Evolutionary aspects of toxin-producing bacteria 2. Mobile genetic elements and pathogenicity islands encoding bacterial toxins 3. News and views on protein secretion systems
Section II: Intracellularly Alive Bacterial Protein Toxins 4. Diphtheria toxin 5. Pseudomonas aeruginosa toxins 6. Bordetella protein toxins 7. Vibrio cholerae and Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxins and beyond 8. Vibrio parahaemolyticus virulence determinants 9. Typhoid toxin 10. Shiga toxins: properties and action on cells 11. Clostridial neurotoxins: from the cellular and molecular mode of action to their therapeutic use 12. Uptake and transport of clostridial neurotoxins 13. Bacillus anthracis toxins 14. ADP-ribosylating toxins modifying the actin cytoskeleton 15. Large clostridial cytotoxins modifying small GTpases: structural aspects 16. Large clostridial glycosylating toxins modifying small GTPases: cellular aspects 17. Pasteurella multocida toxin 18. Deamidase toxins 19. Helicobacter pylori vacuolating toxin 20. Bacterial genotoxins
Section III: Bacterial Protein Toxins Active on the Surface of Target Cells 21. Basic mechanism of pore-forming toxins 22. Membrane-damaging and cytotoxic sphingomyelinases and phospholipases 23. Structure and function of RTX toxins 24. Perfringolysin O and related cholesterol-dependent cytolysins: mechanism of pore formation 25. The staphylococcal alpha-toxin and leukotoxins 26. Aerolysin and Related Aeromonas Toxins 27. Structural relationships between small ß-pore-forming toxins from Clostridium perfringens 28. Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin 29. Bacillus cereus phospholipases, enterotoxins, and other hemolysins 30. Mechanism of action of Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal toxins and their use in the control of insect pests 31. Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxins 32. Bacterial superantigens and superantigen-like toxins
Section IV: Clinical Aspects, Applications of Bacterial Protein Toxins in Cell Biology and Therapy, and Toxin Inhibitors 33. Clostridial toxins in the pathogenesis of gas gangrene 34. Engineering of botulinum neurotoxins as novel therapeutic tools 35. Engineering of bacterial toxins for research and medicine 36. Toxins as tools 37. Exploiting endocytic pathways to prevent bacterial toxin infection 38. Inhibitors of pore-forming toxins 39. Bacterial protein toxins as biological weapons