This is the PDF eBook version for Radiation Therapy for Skin Cancer by Armand B Cognetta, William M. Mendenhall
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Physical Aspects of Dermatological Radiotherapy.- Chapter 2: Radiobiology.-Chapter 3: Radiation and Cell Kinetics.- Chapter 4: Radiation Safety and Protection.-Chapter 5: Adverse Sequelae of Cutaneous Radiation and Radio Dermatitis.-Chapter 6: Treatment Planning.-Chapter 7: Current Use of Dermatologic Radiotherapy in the United States and Canada.-Chapter 8: Radiation Therapy of Cutaneous Malignancies.-Chapter 9: Electron Beam in Dermatology.-Chapter 10: Brachioradiotherapy in Dermatology.- Chapter 11: Radiation of Benign Dermatoses.-Chapter 12: Ultrasoft Radiation (Grenz Ray).-Chapter 13:Radiation Treatment of Skin Lymphomas.-Chapter 14: Radiation Therapy for Perineural Invasion.-Chapter 15: Radiation For Kaposi’s Sarcoma.- Chapter 16: Equipment and Financial Aspects of Radiation in a Dermatologic Office Setting (Getting Started).