This is the PDF eBook version for Protein and Sugar Export and Assembly in Gram-positive Bacteria by Fabio Bagnoli, Rino Rappuoli
Table of Contents
Envelope structures of Gram-positive bacteria .- Translocation of proteins across the plasma membrane and cell envelope.- Type I signal peptidases.- The Sec system.- The twin-arginine protein translocation (Tat) system.- ExPortal: a microdomain for protein secretion in Gram-positive bacteria.- Spatial positioning of cell wall-anchored proteins.- Anchoring of LPXTG-like proteins to the cell wall envelope.- Export and processing of lipoproteins.- Pilus assembly in Gram-positive bacteria.- S-layers and related proteins: their structure, mechanisms of secretion and anchoring and their diverse functions.- Membrane translocation and assembly of sugar polymer precursors.- Type VII secretion systems.- Predicting subcellular localization of proteins by bioinformatics algorithms.- The secretome of Gram-positive bacteria.- Post-translocational folding of secretory proteins.- Protein secretion biotechnology in Gram-positive bacteria.- Exploiting Gram positive sortases for protein engineering.