This is the PDF eBook version for Pediatric Pathology – A Course Review by Shipra Garg
Table of Contents
Section A: Fetal and Infant Developmental Pathology 1. Basics of Molecular Biology and Perinatal Chromosomal Abnormalities 2. First and Second Trimester Embryo and Fetal Deaths 3. Congenital Anomalies and Malformation Syndromes 4. Multiple Pregnancies and Conjoined Twins 5. Fetal Effusions and Hydrops Fetalis 6. Nutritional Disorders and Toxic Embryopathies 7. Congenital and Acquired Systemic Infectious Diseases 8. Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM) 9. Pediatric Forensic Pathology 10. Perinatal Pathology 11. Placental Pathology Section B: Systemic Organ Pathology 12. Breast 13. Female Reproductive System 14. Male Reproductive System and Disorders of Sexual Development 15. Skin 16. Soft Tissue 17. Skeletal System 18. Nervous System 19. Ophthalmic Pathology 20. Neuromuscular Diseases 21. Mandible and Maxilla 22. Endocrine System 23. Kidney and Lower Urinary Tract 24. Cardiovascular System 25. The Respiratory Tract 26. Salivary Glands 27. Gastrointestinal System 28. Liver Biliary System and Gallbladder 29. The Pancreas 30. Bone Marrow 31. Lymph Nodes, Spleen, and Thymus 32. Selected Topics in Pediatric Blood-Banking and Coagulation 33. Transplant Pathology 34. Appendix Section C: Self-Assessment 35. Quiz