This is the PDF eBook version for Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Disease – A Comprehensive Approach to Diagnosis and Management by David E. Griffith
Table of Contents
Introduction and Historical Perspective on NTM Disease.- The Modern Microbiology Laboratory and Its Role in NTM Disease.- Mechanisms of NTM Drug Resistance.- Pathophysiology of NTM Lung Disease.- Environmental Niches for NTM and Their Clinical Significance.- Genetic and Acquired Immune Dysfunction and NTM Disease.- United States Epidemiology of NTM Lung Disease.- Global Epidemiology of NTM Lung Disease.- Diagnosis of NTM Lung Disease.- NTM Lung Disease, General Management Principles.- Mycobacterium avium Complex Lung Disease.- Mycobacterium kansasii Lung Disease.- Other Slowly Growing Mycobacteria and Lung Disease.- Mycobacterium abscessus Subspecies Lung Disease.- Other Rapidly Growing Mycobacteria Lung Disease.- Surgical Management of NTM Infections.- Management of Lung Comorbidities in NTM Patients.- Extrapulmonary NTM Disease.