This is the PDF eBook version for Mycobacterial Skin Infections by Domenico Bonamonte, Gianni Angelini
Table of Contents
Preface.- 1 General Introduction.- 2 Characteristics of Mycobacteria.- 3 Taxonomy of Mycobacteria.- 4 Diagnostic criteria of Mycobacteria.- 5 Laboratory procedures of Mycobacteria: Smear microscopy, Cultures, Species Identification, Molecular Typing Methods, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, Skin tests.- 6 Epidemiology of Mycobacteria.- 7 Clinical Presentations of Mycobacteria.- 9 Tuberculosis: Introduction, Etiology, Immunology, Histopathology, Classification, Primary Inoculation Tuberculosis, Warty Tuberculosis, Scrofuloderma, Orificial Tuberculosis, Haematogenous Tuberculosis, Lupus Vulgaris, Miliary Tuberculosis, Metastatic Tuberculous Abscess, the Tuberculids (Lichen Scrofulosorum, Papulonecrotic Tuberculid, Nodular Tuberculids), Prognosis, Diagnosis and Treatment.- 10 Mycobacterium Bovis Skin Infection (Human Tuberculosis of Bovine Origin): Warty tuberculosis.- 11 Bacille Calmette-Guérin: BCG vaccination, Complications of BCG Vaccinations.- 12 Leprosy: Etiology, History and geographical distribution, Pathogenesis, Histopathology, Serology, Indeterminate leprosy, Tuberculoid leprosy, Lepromatous leprosy, Borderline Leprosy, Reactions, Nerve damage, Eye involvement, Prognosis, Diagnosis and Treatment.- 13 Non-Tuberculous Environmental Mycobacteria: Clinical presentations and diagnostic criteria (M. Marinum, M. Ulceran, M. Kansasii, M. Scrofulaceum, M. Szulgai, M. Avium Complex, M. Fortuitum Complex, M. Chelonae/M. Abscess us, M. Haemophilum, other Mycobacteria.- 14 Mycobacterial Skin Infections in Hiv-Infected Persons.- 15 Mycobacterial Skin Infections in Transplant Recipients.