This is the PDF eBook version for Multiparametric Ultrasound Diagnosis of Breast Diseases by Gennady T. Sukhikh, Alexander N. Sencha
Table of Contents
1. Current state of diagnosing of diseases of the mammary gland: contribution of medical visualization technologies
2. Ultrasonic examination of mammary glands:
2.1. Ultrasound methodology and equipment
2.2. Main difficulties and reasons of mistakes
3. Unchanged mammary glands. Special aspects of structure and variations of ultrasonic imaging:
3.1. Anatomical features of the mammary gland’s structure at different age periods.
3.2. Variations of ultrasonic imaging of the unchanged mammary gland.
3.3. Features of ultrasonic visualization of mammary glands in children.
4. Ultrasonic multiparametrical diagnosis of non-tumoral pathology (inflammatory, diffusion and degenerate changes) of mammary glands
5. Ultrasonic diagnostics of benign tumor masses of the mammary glands
6. Multiparametrical examination, basic and innovative techniques of ultrasonic examination in diagnosing of breast cancer:
6.1. Grayscale modes.
6.2. Color-coded modes, duplex examination.
6.3. Multiplanar scanning, three-dimensional reconstruction of images.
6.4. Ultrasonic elastography.
6.5. Ultrasonic examination using the contrast agents.
6.6. Breast cancer classifications. Morphological types of tumors’ structure, ultrasonic correlations.
7. Mammary glands pathology during pregnancy. Options of complex ultrasonography
8. Mammary glands pathology in case of female reproductive system diseases
9. Ultrasonic examination of chest glands in men under normal and pathological conditions:
9.1. Diagnosing of chest glands pathology in men applying the methods of X-ray visualization.
9.2. Anatomical features of chest glands’ structure in men, pathological staging.
9.3. Technologies of ultrasonic visualization of chest glands in men.
9.4. Unchanged chest gland according to the ultrasonography.
9.5. Ultrasonic diagnosing of chest gland pathology in men
9.6. Male breast cancer. Options of sonography.
10. Options of sonography at an early stage of metastatic breast cancer:
10.1. Ultrasound appearances of regional lymph node metastases.
10.2. Ultrasonic diagnostics of the breast cancer remote metastases.
11. An operated mammary gland. A state after plasticity of mammary glands. Options of ultrasonography:
11.1. Post-operative care after mammary gland removal. Ultrasonic monitoring.
11.2. Diagnostics of breast cancer recurrence.
12. Mammary gland Invasive diagnostic technologies under ultrasound control