This is the PDF eBook version for Models, Molecules and Mechanisms in Biogerontology – Physiological Abnormalities, Diseases and Interventions by Pramod C. Rath
Table of Contents
I. Alterations in Nervous System, Genes, Hormones and Immunity during Aging
1. Neurological Problems of the Elderly
2. Molecular marker and therapeutic regimen for neurodegenerative diseases
3. Neurodegeneration during Aging: Role of Oxidative Stress through Epigenetic Modifications
4. Polyglucosan Bodies in Aged Brain and Neurodegeneration: Cause or Consequence?
5. Overview of effect of Tachykinin Neuropeptides and 17ß Estradiol in Aging Brain
6. Signaling of Nociceptors and Pain Perception: Impact of age
7. Association between Ageing and REM sleep loss: Noradrenaline acting as a mediator
8. Age related changes in the human retina: a role for oxidative stress
9. Mitophagy, Diseases and Aging
10. Genetics, Ageing and Human Health
11. Genetic Syndromes and Aging
12. Role of Stress and Hormones of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis in Aging
13. Sex Steroids, Cognate Receptors and Aging
14. Immunosenesence, Inflammaging and their implications for Cancer and Anemia
15. Bone Marrow Stem Cells, Aging and Age-related Diseases
II. Interventions for Healthy Aging
16. Infantile radiation and Aging Stresses: Effects of Calorie and Dietary Restrictions
17. Mechanisms and Late Life Intervention of Aging
18. Healthy Ageing and Cancer in Humans
19. Care of older persons in India: scope of policy and technology tools
20. Nutrition for elderly