This is the PDF eBook version for Liver Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine 2nd Edition by Gebhard Wagener
Table of Contents
Section I: Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology of Liver Disease
Physiology and anatomy of the liver
Chronic liver failure and hepatic cirrhosis
The splanchnic and systemic circulation in liver disease
Drug metabolism in liver failure
Evaluation of liver function and injury
Section II: Anesthesiology for Liver Transplantation.
History of liver transplantation
Recipient and donor selection and transplant logistics: the European perspective
Recipient and donor selection and transplant logistics: the US perspective
Preoperative risk assessment
Surgical techniques of liver transplantation
Intra-operative monitoring
Anesthetic techniques and practice patterns
Caval crossclamping, piggy-bag & veno-venous bypass
14. Hemodynamic manag
ement and use of vasopressors
15. Coagulopathy: pathophysiology, evaluation & treatment
Massive blood loss and blood transfusion
Organ protection & the marginal donor / recipient
Pediatric liver transplantation
Combined Transplants: Liver / -heart / -kidney / -lung transplantation
The patient with a high MELD
Acute liver failure
The patient with renal failure undergoing liver transplantation
The patient with cardiac disease
Pulmonary disease & hepatopulmonary syndrome
Neurological disease and increased intracranial pressure
Section III: Anesthesiology for Liver Surgery.
Types of liver surgery and indications
Anesthetic management, monitoring, fluids & electrolytes
Anesthetic aspects of the living donor hepatectomy
Analgesia for l
iver resection including regional techniques
Complications of liver surgery
The patient with liver disease undergoing non-hepatic surgery
Section IV: Critical Care Medicine for Liver transplantation.
Routine postoperative care
Acute kidney injury
Early graft failure
Sepsis and infection
Respiratory failure and ARDS
Pain management
Section V: Critical care Medicine for Liver surgery.
The living related liver donor
Early complications: Liver failure, bile leak and sepsis