This is the PDF eBook version for Johns Hopkins Textbook of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2nd Edition by David Daiho Yuh, Luca A. Vricella, Stephen Yang, John R. Doty
Table of Contents
Part I. GENERAL THORACIC SURGERYChapter X: Pulmonary Physiology, Function Tests, and Bronchopscopic Techniques
Chapter X: Pulmonary Metasteses
Chapter X: Esophageal Physiology, Function Tests, and Endoscopic Techniques
Chapter X Diaphragmatic Disorders
Chapter 1: Surgery and Pulmonary Physiology
Chapter 2: Mediastinal Disease
Chapter 3: Thoracic Infections
Chapter 4: Chest Wall Tumors
Chapter 5: Congenital Esophageal Anomalies andDiaphragmatic Hernias
Chapter 6: Congenital Chest Wall Anomalies
Chapter 7: Congenital Pulmonary Anomalies
Chapter 8: Tracheal Diseases
Chapter 9: Benign Diffuse Pulmonary Disorders
Chapter 10: Surgical Management of Bullous Emphysema and Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Chapter 11: Therapies for Benign and Malignant Pleural Diseases
Chapter 12: Lung Carcinoma
Chapter 13: Gastroesophageal Reflux and Primary Esophageal Motility Disorders
Chapter 14: Esophageal Perforation