This is the PDF eBook version for Family Medicine – Principles and Practice 7th Edition by Paul M. Paulman, Robert B. Taylor, Audrey A. Paulman, Laeth S. Nasir
Table of Contents
Part I. The Principles of Family Medicine.- Part II. The Practice of Family Medicine.- Section A: The Person, Family and Community.- Preventive Care.- Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Postpartum Care.- Care of the Infant, Child and Adolescent.- Care of the Elderly.- Family Conflict and Violence.- Behavioral And Psychiatric Problems.- Allergy.- Infectious Diseases.- Environmental & Occupational Health Problems.- Injury and Poisoning.- Care of the Athlete.- Common Clinical Problems.- Part II. Section B: Clinical Problems related to Organs and Systems.- Nervous System.- The Eye.- The Ear, Nose and Throat.- The Cardiovascular System.- The Respiratory System.- The Digestive System.- The Renal, Urinary and Male Genital Systems.- The Female Productive System and Women’s Health.- The Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue.- The Skin and Subcutaneous Tissues.- The Endocrine and metabolic System.- The Blood and Hematopoietic System.- Part III. Family Medicine Applicati0ns.- Medical Informatics, the Internet, and Telemedicine.- Complementary and Alternative Medicine.- The Family Physician’s Role in a Changing Health Care System.- Patient Centered Medical Home.