This is the PDF eBook version for Cranial, Craniofacial and Skull Base Surgery by Paolo Cappabianca, Luigi Califano, Giorgio Iaconetta
Table of Contents
Cranial Neurosurgery.- Instruments.- Subfrontal Approaches.- Supraorbital Eyebrow Approach.- Frontotemporal Approach.- Orbitozygomatic Approach.- Transcallosal Approaches to Intraventricular Tumors.- Subtemporal Approach.- Suboccipital Lateral Approaches (Presigmoid).- Suboccipital Lateral Approaches (Retrosigmoid).- Suboccipital Median Approach.- Middle Cranial Fossa Approach.- Translabyrinthine and Transcochlear Petrosal Approaches.- Dorsolateral Approach to the Craniocervical Junction.- Transsphenoidal Approaches: Endoscopic.- Endonasal Endoscope-Assisted Microscopic Approach.- Transsphenoidal Approaches: Microscopic.- Expanded Endoscopic Endonasal Approaches to the Skull Base.- Maxillofacial Surgery.- Orbital Approaches.- Transoral Approaches.- Midfacial Approaches.- Midfacial Translocation Approach.- Transmandibular Approaches.- Anterior Cranial Base Reconstruction.