This is the PDF eBook version for Physiology, Psychoacoustics and Cognition in Normal and Impaired Hearing by Pim van Dijk, Deniz Baskent, Etienne Gaudrain, Emile de Kleine, Anita Wagner
Table of Contents
The actual content will be based on submissions .However here are the topics the editors will promote: Topic 1: Physiology of normal and impaired hearing: hearing loss, hyperacusis and tinnitus. Topic 2: New rehabilitation techniques: genetics and neuro-regeneration. Topic 3: Auditory implants: electrical stimulation and electrical activity. Topic 4: Auditory scene analysis with normal and impaired cues. Topic 5: Speech communication with hearing impairment. Topic 6: Peripheral and cognitive effects of ageing. The authors of previous edition included: B.C.J. Moore, R.D. Patterson, C.J. Plack, E.A. Lopez-Poveda, S.A. Shamma, M. Kashino, M.G. Heinz, E.W. Healy, C. Micheyl, N.F. Viemeister, L. Demany, C. Köppl, D. McAlpine, R.P. Carlyon, W.M. Hartmann, W.A. Yost, T. Dau, A. Kohlrausch, M.A. Akeroyd, B. Kollmeier, J.Z. Simon, G.M. Klump, D.R.M. Langers, T.D. Griffiths, J.L. Verhey, A.J. Oxenham, J.C. Middlebrooks.