This is the PDF eBook version for Urologic Surgical Pathology 4th Edition by Liang Cheng, Greg T MacLennan, by David G. Bostwick
Table of Contents
1. Nonneoplastic diseases of the kidney
2. Neoplasms of the kidney
3. Renal pelvis and ureter
4. Fine needle aspiration of the kidney
5. Nonneoplastic disorders of the urinary bladder
6. Neoplasms of the urinary bladder
7. Urine cytology
8. Nonneoplastic diseases of the prostate
9. Neoplasms of the prostate
10. Seminal vesicles
11. Urethra
12. Nonneoplastic diseases of the testis
13. Neoplasms of the testis
14. Spermatic cord and testicular adnexa
15. Penis and scrotum
16. Adrenal glands