This is the PDF eBook version for Radiation Oncology – A Case-Based Review by Gokhan Ozyigit, Ugur Selek
Table of Contents
1. Central Nervous System Tumors
a. Low-grade Glial Tumor
b. High Grade Glial Tumor
c. Pituitary Adenoma
d. Medulloblastoma
e. Uveal melanoma
2. Head and Neck Cancers
a. Nasopharynx cancer
b. Oropharynx cancer
c. Larynx cancer
d. Paranasal sinus cancer
e. Oral cavity cancer
f. Postoperative larynx cancer
3. Thoracic Malignancies
a. Non-small cell non cancer
i. Early Stage (SABR)
ii. Locally-advanced stage
iii. PORT
b. Small cell lung cancer
c. Thymoma
4. Breast Cancer
b. Early stage breast cancer
c. Locally advanced breast cancer
5. Gastrointestinal System Cancers
a. Esophagus cancer
b. Gastric cancer
c. Rectum cancer
d. Pancreas cancer
e. Anal cancer
6. Genitourinary Cancers
a. Bladder cancer
b. Low-risk prostate cancer (SBRT)
c. High-risk prostate cancer
7. Gynecological Cancers
a. Endometrium cancer
b. Cervix cancer
c. Vulva cancer
8. Sarcomas
a. Soft tissue sarcoma
b. Ewing sarcoma
c. Rhabdomyosarcoma
d. Retroperitoneal sarcoma
9. Lymphomas
a. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
b. Hodgkin’s lymphoma