This is the PDF eBook version for Medicinal Chemistry of Anticancer Drugs 2nd Edition by Carmen Avendano, J. Carlos Menendez
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to anticancer chemotherapy
2. Antimetabolites
3. Anticancer drugs that inhibit hormone action
4. Anticancer drugs acting via radical species. Photosensitizers and photodynamic therapy of cancer.
5. DNA alkylating agents
6. Alkylating and non-alkylating compounds interacting with the DNA minor groove.
7. DNA intercalation and inhibition of topoisomerases
8. Anticancer drugs targeting tubulin and microtubules
9. Drugs targeting signaling pathways for tumour cell growth and proliferation
10.Other approaches to targeted therapy
11.Drug targeting in anticancer chemotherapy
12.Resistance to antitumour agents and drugs that modulate it
13.Cancer chemoprevention