This is the PDF eBook version for High Altitude Medicine and Physiology 5th Edition by John B. West, Robert B. Schoene, Andrew M. Luks, James S. Milledge
Table of Contents
The atmosphere
Geography and the human response to altitude
Genetics at high altitude
Altitude acclimatization and deterioration
Control of breathing at high altitude
Pulmonary gas exchange
Cardiovascular system
Blood-gas transport and acid-base balance
Peripheral tissues
Limiting factors at extreme altitude
Nutrition, metabolism and intestinal function
Endocrine and renal systems at altitude
Central nervous system
High altitude populations
Acute mountain sickness
High altitude cerebral edema
High altitude pulmonary edema
Chronic mountain sickness and high altitude pulmonary hypertension
Other altitude-related conditions: thromboembolemic diseases, neurologic conditions, ophthalmologic conditions, altitude cough, anesthesia at altitude
The physiology and medical aspects of heat and cold
Pre-existing medical conditions at altitude
Women at altitude
Extremes of age at altitude: children and the elderly
Commercial, scientific and military activities at high altitude
Athletes and altitude