This is the PDF eBook version for Functional Histoanatomy of the Human Larynx by Kiminori Sato
Table of Contents
Part I. Whole-organ Serial Sections of the Human Larynx.- 1. Adult Larynx: Midsagittal Sections.- 2. Adult Larynx: Transverse Sections.- 3. Adult Larynx: Coronal Sections.- 4. Newborn Larynx: Midsagittal Sections.- 5. Newborn Larynx: Transverse Sections.- 6. Newborn Larynx: Coronal Sections.- Part II. Functional Histoanatomy of the Human Larynx.- 7. Clinical Anatomy of the Human Larynx.- 8. Compartments of the Human Larynx.- 9. Histoanatomy of the Human Glottis.- 10. Cells and Extracellular Matrices in the Human Adult Vocal Fold Mucosa.- 11. Macula Flava and Vocal Fold Stellate Cells of the Human Adult Vocal Fold.- 12. Tissue Stem Cells and the Stem Cell Niche of the Human Vocal Fold Mucosa.- 13. Cells and Extracellular Matrices in the Human Newborn Vocal Fold Mucosa.- 14. Macula Flava of the Human Newborn Vocal Fold.- 15. Growth and Development of the Human Vocal Fold Mucosa.- 16. Mechanical Regulation (Cellular Mechanotransduction) of the Human Vocal Fold.- 17. Geriatric Changes of Cells and Extracellular Matrices in the Human Vocal Fold Mucosa.- 18. Geriatric Changes of the Macula Flava of the Human Vocal Fold.- 19. Comparative Histoanatomy of the Vocal Fold Mucosa.- 20. Spaces of the Larynx.- 21. Blood Vessels of the Larynx and Vocal Fold.- 22. The Laryngeal Gland.- 23. Atrophy of the Vocal Fold.