This is the PDF eBook version for Handbook of Modern Pharmaceutical Analysis 2nd Edition by Satinder Ahuja, Stephen Scypinski
Table of Contents
Overview (Satinder Ahuja); High Throughput Screening in Drug Discovery and Development (Ken Apple); Solid-State Analysis (Harry Brittain); Degradation Studies of Drug Candidates (Karen Alsante); Analytical Considerations for Genotoxic and Other Impurities (Scott Miller); Quality by Design (James Drennen); Preformulation Studies (tba); Process Analytical Technology (Christine Richardson); Solid Dosage-Form Analysis (Joe Etse); Parenteral Dosage Form Analysis (Greg Birrer); Analysis of Alternate Drug Delivery systems (Ron Smith); Method Development for Chiral Compounds (S. Ahuja); Method Development for Early Phase Drug Development (Kevin Bynum); Method Development for Late Phase Drug Development (Ilias Jimidar); Analysis of Biomolecules (Ilias Jimidar); Setting Up Specifications (Doug Raynie); Validation of Test Methods (Jonathan Crowther); Stability Evaluations (Jessica Cha); Transferring Analytical Methods (Stephen Scypinski); Pharmaceutical Analysis Documentation (H. Chokshi); Emerging Analytical Methodologies (Jim Lander)