This is the PDF eBook version for Human Sectional Anatomy, Atlas of Body Sections, CT and MRI Images 4th Edition By Harold Ellis, Bari M. Logan, Adrian K. Dixon, David J. Bowden
Table of Contents
BRAIN. Superficial dissection. Selected images. HEAD. Axial sections (male). Selected images: axial MRI. Selected images: temporal bone/inner ear: axial CT. Coronal sections (female). Sagittal sections (male). NECK. Axial sections (female). Sagittal sections (male). THORAX. Axial sections (male). Axial sections (female). Selected images: heart. Selected images: mediastinum: axial CT. Selected images: coronal MRI. Selected images: coronal chest CT. Selected images: coeliac and great vessels. ABDOMEN. Axial sections (male). Axial sections (female). Selected images: lumbar spine: axial CT. Selected images: lumbar spine: coronal MRI. Selected images: lumbar spine: sagittal MRI. PELVIS. Axial sections (male). Selected images: coronal MRI (male). Axial sections (female). Selected images: axial MRI (female). Selected images: coronal MRI (female). Selected images: sagittal MRI (female). Selected images: colon. Selected images: coronal abdominal CT. LOWER LIMB. Hip: coronal sections (female). Selected images: pelvic girdle. Thigh: axial sections (male). Knee: axial sections (male). Knee: coronal sections (male). Knee: sagittal sections (female). Leg: axial sections (male). Ankle: axial sections (male). Ankle: coronal sections (female). Foot: sagittal sections (male). Foot: coronal sections (male). UPPER LIMB. Shoulder: axial sections (female). Shoulder: coronal sections (male). Arm: axial sections (male). Elbow: axial sections (male). Elbow: coronal sections (female). Forearm: axial sections (male). Wrist: axial sections (male). Hand: coronal sections (female). Hand: sagittal sections (female). Hand: axial sections (male). Selected images: shoulder girdle.